Befriend Your Death to Gain Freedom from the Toltec Parasite

This Exercise Uses the Following Wisdom Skills

Stub only: Manage Your Inner Dialog
Intro written: Nonattachment
Stub only: Choose Happiness
Stub only: Think Beyond Your Normal Perspective
Stub only: Time Management
Stub only: Requires Multiple Sessions
Stub only: Change Your Consciousness While Active
Stub only: Guidelines

Exercise Details

Duration = 20 minutes.
Difficulty = 70/100.

Use This Exercise:

  1. To separate your consciousness from identifying personally with the energy and momentum of the society's group mind--the consciousness generated by the global 'Parasite' that feeds on our emotions and keeps us trapped in fear and victimhood.
  2. To free yourself from the illusions generated by human society, the concerns that stop you from living your life fully and savoring the present moment.
  3. To free yourself from the illusions generated by human society and to gain a broader perspective about your worries, concerns, expectations, hopes and plans--an understanding that these issues are really meaningless to the evolution of your soul.
Image courtesy of: G and A Scholiers, Belgium || Original Image || SXC profile || Roulette Laboratory